Our Work

We create strategic, well-researched, and cost-effective marketing campaigns to help our clients thrive. Each of the posts below highlights one of our clients and some of the work we’ve done with them.

The website Sullivan Creative designed for A House to Home Realty.

A House to Home Realty

Design a brand identity, website, and supporting marketing collateral for A House to Home Realty, a newly established real estate firm serving the Lakes, Mountain, and Seacoast regions of New Hampshire as well as Western Maine.
Town of Bethlehem paid social media and Google ads

Town of Bethlehem, NH

Develop a tourism initiative to create economic opportunities, establish a consistent brand, and promote the Town of Bethlehem as a great place to live, work, play, and visit.
NHSCOT NH Highland Games Postcard


Year-round organizational and event marketing for NHSCOT, a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving and promoting Scottish culture. Assist with expanding events, programming and branding to enhance the impact of their organization.
NEK_PaidSocial_PlanATrip_FINAL-07 2

Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom

Expand the brand of “GetNEKedVT” through a robust digital marketing campaign to attract more visitors to the region and strengthen economic development throughout Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom.
Fuller's Sugarhouse

Fuller’s Sugarhouse

Ongoing, year-round marketing of Fuller’s Sugarhouse, a pure NH maple syrup farm in the Northern White Mountains of New Hampshire. Establish a consistent presence for Fuller’s Sugarhouse and assist as they grew (and continue to grow) their maple syrup production.
Burke, VT

Vermont Workforce Development Initiative

Build and implement a micro-marketing plan for the Vermont Workforce Development Initiative, a campaign focusing on relocating to Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom.

Our Services

Sullivan Creative works with clients of all sizes to assist in fulfilling their marketing needs.We continuously strive to be at the forefront of trends in marketing and technology.